NEA Retiree Health Program: Summary of Benefits

Medicare supplement coverage is typically sold in standardized plans. The link below will open a page that provides a summary chart of the benefits provided in all available Plan Options under the NEA Retiree Health Program. The summary chart allows you to compare the plans to see which benefit features are available from each option.

Click here to see the Retiree Health Program Summary Chart

Click here to see the Retiree Health Program Summary Chart for Minnesota Residents


To get more detail if you already know which Plan Option you want, you may click on that plan letter below.

Outline of Retiree Health Coverage Plan Options

A, F, G, N 

Outline of Retiree Health Coverage Plan Options for Minnesota Residents

ME8, ME9, MF1, MF2


The NEA Retiree Health Program is provided by the NEA Members Insurance Trust and governed by the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA). United American Insurance Company underwrites the NEA Retiree Health Program.