NEA Member Benefits Website Widget

What is the NEA Member Benefits Widget?

The NEA Member Benefit widget is a small “box” placed on a webpage that displays information about articles, tools, and products provided by NEA Member Benefits. The widget provides members with information about the various ways the Association can help them. Once the widget is added to a webpage, there is no additional work required. You can “set it and forget it.” All updates to information shown in the widget are handled by NEA Member Benefits staff.

What is the size of the widget? How do I know if it will fit on my website?

There are two sizes of the widget available:

  • 240px wide x 320px tall
  • 300px wide x 250 px tall

You should be able to place the widget on any portion of your webpage that exceeds those dimensions.

Is it difficult to add the widget to our website?

Not at all! Your website administrator simply adds a few lines of code (shown below) to the page where you would like the widget to be shown. That’s it. After that, there is no ongoing maintenance or configuration required by the web administrator.

If my website already displays a banner ad for an NEA Member Benefits program, should this widget replace it?

Ideally we would ask that the existing promotion remain and that this widget be added. However, if that is not possible, our request is that the widget replace the existing banner ad.

If my website already displays a widget for the NEA Academy, should this widget replace it?

Yes, it should. The NEA Academy widget is no longer being updated. If you have NEA Academy widget on your website, please replace it with the new NEA Member Benefits widget.


Add the Widget to Your Website

Adding the widget to your website is easy!

  1. Choose the size that best fits where you would like the widget to be placed. (Both versions are standard IAB ad tile sizes and show the same information.)
  2. Add the code below the respective size to your website.
  3. That’s it! The content shown in the widget is regularly updated by NEA Member Benefits automatically.

Size 1

240px wide x 320px tall

To use this on your website, please copy and paste the text below:

Size 2

300px wide x 250 px tall

To use this on your website, please copy and paste the text below: