Security Benefit - Our Partners Supporting Public Education


Security Benefit - NEA Member Benefits Partner

Security Benefit has been NEA Member Benefits’ partner for the NEA Retirement Program since 2000, working to help NEA members achieve a secure retirement. The company began as “The Knights and Ladies of Security” in Topeka, Kansas, in 1892. Today, Security Benefit is a recognized leader in the U.S. retirement market, offering a customized suite of savings product solutions for employers and individual investors. The Security Benefit Charitable Trust, established more than 35 years ago, pledges millions of dollars each year to improve the community, including providing support to education programs. In addition to being the premier sponsor of the Kansas Teacher of the Year Program, for the past seven years, Security Benefit has been a corporate sponsor of The NEA Foundation’s Annual Salute to Excellence in Education Gala.

More information about Security Benefit can be found at

“NEA and Security Benefit have been instrumental in helping me and my family get our retirement income in order. Thank you for all the information - you are an awesome resource!”
NEA member, North Carolina

“I have two retirement accounts with Security Benefit. I watch them faithfully to see my dollars grow. The guidance I have received has been great.”
NEA member, Alaska

“I have money invested in the NEA Retirement Program. My representative makes sure he keeps in contact with me and is always available to meet in person to go over my individual needs and the status of my investments. This really impressed me.”
NEA member, Ohio

“The NEA Retirement Program has helped me plan for retirement and understand the need to start saving early!”
NEA member, Oklahoma